
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Lil Newborn Photography

So having a newborn and all, I thought I'd try my hand at a little newborn photography (little newborn photography...pun seriously intended :)

Let me just say I now have way more respect for newborn photographers.  It's no joke, friends, no joke.  Trying to get a little one to cooperate for picture-taking is like trying to drive a stick shift while talking on the phone, brushing your hair, and maneuvering through four lanes of traffic.  All. at. once.  Ok, I exaggerate. Slightly.

But seriously, it wasn't the easiest, even after reading up on newborn photography and studying tips on how to take good baby pics. However, I did get a few that I was pleased with.

Without further adieu, my attempt at capturing baby Elise...

And probably my favorite shot of all (before and after editing)...

No easy task.  But I'll take the cute ones I got any day :)


  1. Love these! The basket ones are too cute! I've been wanting to attempt some of Immanuelle, but add 2 older brothers to that drivers' ed description and you've got the Rivers house! We shall see...they're so yummy when they're so tiny...and they're not tiny for very long at all!!! I think you did a great job! You just need to keep practicing...on more Palmer babies! ;)

  2. I imagine it is really hard to capture all those shots, but these are all really great ones! I especially love the second and third one. It reminds me of the adage of the stork delivering sweet, cuddly babies to your doorstep in a basket :-)


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