
Monday, October 17, 2011

Speaking, Language, and a Blooper

This weekend Jas was asked to speak at a youth group meeting of sorts called "KECY club."  He spoke on the theme "collision."  He did an awesome job, but most importantly he was able to share about Christ and counting the cost of choosing to follow Him.

We then broke into small groups and discussed what it looks like to follow Christ in general and what it looks like to follow Christ in Slovakia.  This was helpful for Jas and I as we learned more about how Slovaks perceive and are perceived as Christians. Eye-opening.

And of course, it was great for our language.  We've been focusing on our language a lot lately (what am I talking about!? we've been working on language since we've been here!).  But what I really want to tell you about is a hilarious (or maybe not so hilarious) language blooper Jason made :)

We finished talking in small groups and everyone broke out the tables and the games.  Jas and I thought it was time to head home to Elise (who was kindly being watched by her grandparents) thinking she might be ready to eat some more.  Well, Jas decides to tell the people we were standing with (in Slovak) that "we had to go eat the baby." WHAT?!?!?!  We all cracked up because as soon as he said it he realized. Too funny.

But no worries, we did not eat our child.  Rather, we wanted her to eat.  And eat she did.

And because in my opinion no post is complete without a's a picture of our Slovak tutor, Terezia, with Elise.

They're both adorable, huh?!

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