
Thursday, December 29, 2011

All Things Christmas

Well, we are thankful to have had a relaxing past few days...and I just haven't gotten around to getting Christmas pictures up.

But now it's time.  This Christmas was different for us not being with family and being in a whole new location, plus having Christmas with our first child!  But while it was different, it was also refreshing.

We got up and read Luke 2 together, prayed, and talked about the true meaning and importance of Christmas (that of the birth of Christ, our Savior).  Then it was breakfast time, followed by opening presents.

Later in the day we skyped with our families, which was great (I failed to get pictures of that, though...was just trying to be all in the moment).   In between opening presents and talking with family, we watched a few Christmas movies, and ended the night sleeping under a! :)

Photo play-by-play?  Why of course!  Here ya go...

Christmas morning photos with the little.

Playing with her new friend Olivette the Owl (yes, the owl really has a name :)

Showing her a new sweater.

She really liked this new book...haha.

Funny story:  See those pictures of our friend Tom above?  Yep, that's my Christmas present from the hubby.  I had asked for some red Tom's shoes which Jas ordered, buttttt they got lost in the mail and hadn't yet made it here to us in Slovakia on Christmas day (still haven't).  So Jas, being the creative guy that he is, printed off a bunch of red-toned "Toms" for me to have on Christmas morning...haha!  I love that man of mine.

And one of my favorites from the day...

No fort pictures this year, certainly.

It was, indeed, a unique Christmas, but we were thankful to be together.  And speaking of being together, Jas and I celebrated three years of marriage two days after Christmas.  We enjoyed the day with M&M pancakes for breakfast (yum!) and a dinner out.  (Thanks, families, for the cards, and Holloway's for watching Elise so we could enjoy time together :)

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. great pictures! Glad your Christmas "away from home" was still so great! and happy anniversary :)


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