
Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011: Year in Review

What in the world!?  Another year down?  Wow, time seriously flies.

2011 was a big year for us.  Summed up in these words:

Saying "see ya later's"
International Move
Pregnancy (aka weeks of nausea :)
Settling in
Trips to Ikea
Summer Camps
Trip to Poland
Learning to drive stick shift
Church Visits
Language Classes
Public Transportation
Building Relationships
Meeting Neighbors
New friends
Trip to Vienna
Birth of our daughter
Family Visits
Becoming parents

I'm sure that's not an exhaustive list...but it's a start!  And one of my favorite things to do at the end of the year is to look back over pictures from that year.  Then I like to find ones that probably didn't make it to the blog and put them up :)

Some edited, some not, some previously seen here, some not.  So here it is...2011!

JANUARY:  snow at the beach

FEBRUARY:  1) Elise around 5 weeks...first ultrasound!
2) Valentine's Day in Virginia

MARCH:  Last meal at Bojo's before leaving for Slovakia

APRIL:  Jas spent many hours putting together lots of Ikea furniture for our flat

MAY:  horrendous picture, but funny nonethless...pregnancy photo around 4.5/5 months

JUNE:  first grillin' nights.  charcoal grill.  Jas loved it.

JULY:  1) Brooke and I at my baby shower (thanks Ridgecrest!)
2)  Maternity shoot photo...lots of love for baby E

AUGUST:  1) Cute building in Vienna
2)  Jester during a performance at one of the castles we attended with a team from California

SEPTEMBER:  1) Unsuccessful attempt at blondie brownies for Jason's birthday...oops.
2)  Elise Noelle arrives!

OCTOBER:  First parent-given bath :)

NOVEMBER:  1)  Very real family photo...haha!
2)  Oh. No.  The first glimpse of rolled eyes...

DECEMBER:  1) After language study relaxing.
2)  Christmas tree goodness.

What. a. year.  We are thankful for 2011, but looking forward to 2012! Happy New Year!


  1. loved reading this and all of the pictures. what a HUGE year of change!!!!

  2. That was a good way to review the year! Funny pics too :) Time REALLY flies!


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