
Monday, January 2, 2012

The (Fire) Works

So until now we'd thought we had seen some pretty cool fireworks.  Well, we were wrong.  On New Year's Eve we got to witness the most amazing firework display we have seen to date.

You see, here in Bratislava, you are allowed to shoot fireworks (and we're not talking the puny kind) for a certain amount of time around this time of year (I think maybe a week or so?? not sure exactly).  Irregardless, on NYE the whole skyline on both sides of our flat was one big colorful array of firework happiness.

The fireworks were literally right outside our balcony.  Many people were shooting them right off their roofs.  It kind of sounded like a war zone (intense).  We took a bunch of pictures...

That shows just how close they were!

And here are the two best, for last...

A pretty awesome sight they were :)


  1. Girl, you take some awesome pics!

  2. WOW! So pretty, I love the pics!! I'm digging the second to last one. Love your photog skills ;)


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