
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Bye Bye Bara!

I've been meeting with my good friend and language partner, Bara, for some nine months now.  We typically meet at least once a week and also see each other at church.

But this past week we met one last time before she leaves for five months to head to the Netherlands!  She'll be studying there.  It's safe to say Elise and I will miss her...definitely.

We grabbed a couple cute shots to commemorate our time before she left.

Elise is in there somewhere under that rain cover and all those warm blankets.

They're a cute pair, huh?

Bara's placka (Slovak potato pancake with lots'o stuff inside).

Bara closed her eyes on that one, but I couldn't resist posting it...too funny! (oh, and Bara, I meant to tell you, I bought you a matching hat just like that one ;)

And that last one is of our post-rain walk on the way home (around 5 pm).  Lovely.

We'll miss you, Bara, but we're already planning our next hang out for when you're back in town!

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