
Monday, January 23, 2012

Four Months!

Four months (technically tomorrow).

Here she is in all her four month cuteness...

Weight:  No idea until we go back in February.  But I dare say she's definitely gotten heavier :)

Major Milestones:  She loves, loves holding her head up while on her back.  As of the last few days she's very good at holding her head up while on her belly.  She is a major smiley girl these days (especially at her daddy).

Other:  She usually goes to sleep between 8:40 pm and sleeps until 5:30 am.  She can eat well (mostly in the mornings), but she's not super keen on eating in general and really doesn't like a bottle...we're talking serious dislike.  She generally takes two 30-40 minute small naps, one around 9 am and the other around 1 pm.

And here are a few other shots, just for fun!

We love you, sweet E!


  1. LOVE the E in her room! And holy cannoli is she a cutie! I've thought all along that she's a Jason-copy, but that black and white pic of her is all her Mama!

  2. Happy 4 mos. We love you.

  3. Love that you captured that expression in the B&W photo! Look at that fuzzy head -- I wanna rub it! :)

  4. Oh precious little one, you are beautiful!...We love you all.

  5. Jas & Char- She is SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! I hate that I cant meet her and watch her grow and learn ..but thanks for keeping us updated with pictures :) miss you!


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