Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Nappin' Paci-In-Hand Style

Sweet baby E fell asleep sitting up in my arms the other day.  It was too cute.

She also thought it would be a good idea to hold on to her paci the whole time she slept.  Adorable.

These are the moments I don't want to forget.  That I want to cherish and ponder in my heart.

And while that is one of the precious moments that I adore, there are also the moments where she's screaming and won't take a bottle while I'm at class.  Hmmm...about that... ;)


  1. I think I see some red hair.

  2. So Precious!! Love You All!

  3. Elise is beautiful, asleep or awake...Much love forever and always...

  4. So cute!! And I just love her top ;) haha

  5. Precious. Love seeing the little moments. :)

  6. Now that's a good nap when you can do it anywhere and in the midst of anything! Growing must be hard work ;-)


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