
Monday, January 30, 2012


I think I've hit a quarter life crisis. And I'm feeling this crisis by seriously missing ballet...

You see, I grew up taking ballet, from age two all the way through college.  I was so in love with this form of dance that I took all the levels of ballet classes I could possibly take in college, multiple times...

And then I realized, oh yeah, wait, as much as I love ballet and would love to do something with it, I don't have the hips to go anywhere with this lovely form of dance.

(circa. 8th grade, see, definitely NO turnout and that right foot is completely in the wrong spot)

There's a quote from my favorite movie (Center Stage) that sums up exactly how I feel about ballet...
The able-bodied daughter says to her mother who never had the feet for ballet,
"You didn't have the feet, I don't have the heart."

Well, I had the heart (and still do love it) for ballet, but I didn't/don't have the turn out from the hips...never did, never would have.

So as Jas and I were talking the other night about how quickly life goes (he, also, was reminiscing on the days when he could once dunk a basketball :), I began to realize that I just have to soak up each moment for what it is presently AND be thankful for the moments that have been.

(photo taken my sophomore year of college by my friend Attabel)

I seriously loved my time dancing/doing ballet.  Now, I still seriously love it, but in a completely new way.  It's now more of an adoration, an amazement, at the way the Lord created some people to just simply be able to perform ballet effortlessly.

And that brought me to pinterest, of course (shamefully, I know, I'm living vicariously through a website?!?! that sounds kind of lame, but it's the truth...).  I've been pinning various photos of ballet that are just, well, inspiring.

So here you go.  The lovely juxtaposition of intense control and utter freedom of expressive movement in photo form...






Ah, I guess my real dancin' days are over, but ya know, I think it may be time to look for an adult ballet class here in Bratislava.


  1. From the time you were two years old, until now, and forever, you have been, and always will be, the most beautiful ballerina I have ever known....

  2. I have no idea what turn-out is...and never understood what the girl in centerstage didn't have because I loved the way they ALL danced! ;) And I like your description of it, "Intense control and utter freedom" :) And you should take a class!!! That'd be awesome! ANNNNND help keep those legs and abs toned after baby!

  3. I kind of liked the recitals when you were two and you all ran into each other. Our adorable Charity, What a blessing UR!!!!

  4. Though I could never dance well, just seeing those pics makes me want to put on a leotard and try!

  5. Beautiful pictures! Love the one of you on the porch. I bet you were a great dancer. I think you should take a class too! What fun!

  6. So fun!! Love the pictures of you!! I totally feel you on the missing dance thing. I definitely wish I had done more when I had the chance. Maybe you're on to something with this adult ballet class idea ;) I like it.


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