
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Thirty Day Challenge

So my hubby was telling me something about a 30 day challenge (he found this link and was intrigued).  And naturally, that got me thinking too.

You see, I've tried certain challenges before.  For instance, I attempted the yearlong photo-a-day challenge about a year or two ago.  And, well, let's just say I made it approximately three weeks before I started slipping...oops.  So the whole idea behind a 30 day challenge is that you're more likely to succeed in accomplishing a goal or challenge if it's something realistic, like 30 days.  It's also the supposed amount of time it takes to get into a habit (or so the research says).

So I decided to give my whole photo-a-day thing a go again, only this time for 30 days as opposed to a year.  That means that from February 1st until March 1st I plan to take (at least) one photo a day and share it on this here blog.

Now, that said, I am keeping my expectations realistic in realizing that it may be hard to remember to take one every day AND post it.  I'm used to taking a photo or two, usually, every day, but life does happen and I may miss a day or two here and there.  BUT, the challenge is to take one a day and post that's what I'm going for.

I also think it'll be a good glimpse into the every day that's taking place the month of February.

Here goes with DAY 1 :)  Feel free to join me in your own 30 day challenge (for example, some of the challenges from the link above: riding a bike to work every day, writing a book in 30 days, etc.)!

Meet Olivette...her new favorite Owl toy.  I just love that little smiling face in the background (and no, not every photo will be of Elise, but it's probably safe to say she'll make it into quite a few shots ;)
And an add-on:  apparently I'm not the only one doing this (duh Charity!), I just went to this blog and she's posted her daily pics from!

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