
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Half Birthday!

Someone celebrates their half birthday today!!

Yep, it's true...Elise is a big six months old.

{That pose is just perfect because she's all about some toe-eating these days}

Weight:  No clue...will update once we go to the doc next week.

Major Milestones:  This past month has been a big one here in our household!  Elise now rolls over from her back to stomach - and vice versa - often, however, she does it only when she wants to, of course ;)  She also started laughing on occasion...which is just precious.  And as I blogged earlier this week, she started with solids.  Last, but not least, she can now sit up on her own (though she's a bit wobbly and it doesn't last for more than a few minutes at a time).  Big things, I say!

Other:  Her regular schedule has been off since returning from Germany, so Operation Get-Back-On-Track is in full force these days.  She's gotten a lot better with naps and is now napping ~ 1 hour or more twice a day.  She continues to love baths, doesn't mind flashing a smile at strangers, and overall is just a little ham...wonder who she gets that from? ;)

Cute as a button.  Happy half a year, big girl!  You're so loved.


  1. Happy 6 months, sweet, little Elise...We love you so much...Grandmommy and Granddaddy...

  2. Can hardly believe it's true! I like the headband and little bow.... very simple and feminine ;-)

  3. Charity, thanks for reading! You should probably know too that I read your blog all the time and I equally love your style, thoughts, photos, family (that babe is precious) and your hair! Yea, I said it, you have the best locks around my friend. Have a great weekend!!!


  4. love the orange headband =)! six months goes by so fast and slow! happy half year elise!


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