
Monday, March 26, 2012

Weekend Happenings...

By way of camera phone pics (yep, I know, still no iphone/instagram for me...)

This weekend Jas was away in Presov (in the east of Slovakia) with Tom. So while the guys were doing this...

Us girls had us a girls' weekend :)

First off we shopped it up with our friend Zuzana...

Elise thoroughly enjoyed the stroll and taking in all the sights and sounds of the mall.

Then Saturday we headed to a really fun downtown open air market with our friends Claire and Gabo.

(this is a big area set up for kids with lots of fun activities...and colorful balloons!)

(and another side note...we're famous!  Claire, Elise, Gabo and I had our pic taken for one of the local newspapers.  I'll now be signing autographs ;)

Elise also enjoyed some more sweet potatoes...and she discovered her newest game of taking all the toys on her high chair and throwing them to the floor. Then repeat. And repeat again.  Oh, and then repeat :)

Sunday we headed to church...

Then it was time for Elise to attend her first birthday party!  Her friend Filip turned the big ONE, so we headed over to help them celebrate...

(small kiddos are hard to capture, ya know!?)

And then it was time for daddy to come home...and we were both ready!

But it was a good weekend.  What did YOU do this weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say I really like how you antiqued the outdoor market pic :-)


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