
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

In Their Grill

The other night while I was doing this, Jas was able to go to his first hockey game here in Slovakia.

He joined a group of friends up close and personal on the FRONT ROW (7 euro tickets...yes sir!!) for the game.  To say he enjoyed it, in spite of a head cold, would be an understatement.  Supposedly they went into a four minute overtime and then he had to leave (we had skype dates).  So, sadly, we don't know who won.

He did catch some great shots and a video to demonstrate how close up to the action they were. 

When trying to be ghetto I like to say that they were all up "in their grill." (yes, I'm that cheesy :) Here, let me show you...

He also grabbed this lil video of it all going down.  Pretty sweet, huh?

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