
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Recipe Review

As we all know, pinterest is a great resource.  I mean, really, what isn't to love about one big endless resource that pulls from the interwebs at large and combines great ideas all in one place?  Well, other than the many hours you can drain sitting there looking at everything...that can be problematic.

One of my favorite things to pin is recipes.  There are a gazillion great ones out there (and some bad ones too).  Each week I have been giving new recipes a try, many thanks to pinterest and the original sources.

Here are two recipes I've tried this past week...

(links below are to the original sources, but if you'd like to follow my pinterest food board you can go here)

This chicken bacon pasta was DELISH.  It had quite a few steps, but the end result was yummm ummm.  Both Jas and I liked it.  A definite "make again" recipe for us now!

And for small group this week I made these...

Hmm, these "best lemon bars" were, good, but not what I would call the best.  I would give them a 3.5 out of 5.  They just weren't lemon-y enough.  I totally should have added some more lemon juice/zest, but as the recipes stands by itself they just lacked a little "umph."  There are a ton of recipes out there for lemon bars, and I pinned several, so I think I'll have to give some of the others a try next.

Now for a completely non-pinterest food item...

Family members sent us some of these (thanks!) and we were smitten.  They're pretty much amazing.  If you're in America, head out and get some...they're special edition, or something like that.  And let me just say, they live up to their name...a little party in the mouth, I tell ya.

Now you should be hungry, go get your "mnyum" on ;)

1 comment:

  1. Yum! These all look so good, and I had no idea they have birthday cake Oreos!! Putting these on the grocery list!


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