
Friday, March 9, 2012

Letter Photo Shoot

I've been meaning to do this lil photo shoot with Elise for some time now.  Today was the day.

Her grandparents each gave her an initial or set of initials for Christmas (great minds think alike? or....great grandparents think alike? :)  I LOVE them both and they're proudly displayed in her room.

I knew they'd make the perfect props for some photos.

A few notes:
1)  This blanket was made for Elise by our friends' mom, Jeannie...we think it's great.
2)  The pink flower headband was given to E by another friend, Caitlin.
3)  This onesie is my absolute favorite.  It's from The Children's Place and I wish I had one just like it :)
4)  Homegirl wasn't so very into smiling for this there's a fair share of Elise serious face going on here.

I could just eat her up.  (That's kind of a strange English phrase...but you get the point, right? ;)


  1. You notice the weirdness of your own language when you have to study another! She is YUMMY!!!

  2. Love the pictures, Elise is so cute.
    Cindy Ferrell

  3. We could just "eat her up," too! What a sweet way to photograph our darling girl...missing, praying for, and loving you all...


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