
Friday, May 11, 2012


Wow, has another week already come and gone!? My my.

"Selfy" alert....totally took a mirror pic.  Elise has just this week started enjoying checking out herself in the mirror :)

Hubby cooked dinner.  Is it bad that I LOVE when he cooks dinner? Stuffed peppers...this was the filling...yum.

Lots of movement going on around here.  I'd say it's time to baby-proof.

See, told ya!  Walked in to check on her napping and this is how Jas and I found her.  BIG girl.

My hammock view.  Watercolor loveliness.

At least doing loads of laundry is colorful and cute.

Mini bow + baby hair = cuteness overload.

Spotted these quaint houses on a walk.  I knocked on the door and asked if I could move in ;)

Happy Friday!
life rearranged

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