
Sunday, May 13, 2012

To The Mamas

To our mamas...

Diapers. Hugs. Love. Feedings. Boo-boos. Sacrifices. Tears. Laughs. Smiles. Joys. Triumphs. Faith. Graduations. Teen years. Big events. Everyday life. Friendships. Trips. Relationships. Hugs. School. Dances. Sports. Small events. Projects. Travels. Marriage. Sickness. Childhood. And the list goes on...

Thanks for loving us and seeing us through it all...even when it wasn't all pleasant.  Thanks for the hard work, love, and support.

We love you today and every day :)

And to lil bit...I'm ever so thankful to be your mama.

Finally, a quote that spoke to me today:

"The Shepherd leads those with young not to be Hallmark versions of perfection - but rather persevering versions of humility."
~ Ann Voskamp

Happy Mother's Day!


  1. Happy Mother's Day to you, Charity!! Love You sooo much!

  2. Happy First Mother's Day to my beautiful daughter! I thank God each day for blessing me so richly by allowing me to be your mother. I will love you forever...


leave us some love!