
Monday, June 18, 2012

Around Town...

On Saturday Jas and I took my family around and got our tourist on :)

For me that meant taking some photos of Bratislava...which was refreshing because I don't normally take many photos when we're out and about doing the everyday.

I was quite happy that it was a nice day...made for even happier photos!

Bratislava castle...gorgeous.

Novy Most (New Bridge)

It was also quite windy, but I wasn't complaining.

Slavin (memorial monument)

Old Town

More Old Town

Of course I took some family pics, but I figured I'd save those for the next post.  Stay tuned! :)


  1. Bratislava je veľmi pekné mesto. ;)

  2. Looking forward to exploring the city with you guys. I get to push the stroller!


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