
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

And Now for Some Family Photos...

As promised photos from our time out and about the other day.  GORGEOUS day it was...

Lil model getting her pose on.

Proof it was quite windy.

Love, love them.

Getting E to look at the camera is a task indeed...but 2 out of 3 isn't bad, right? :)

He's my favorite man in the world.

She never ceases to impress me...she ordered the duck!

My grandmother was working on her photography skills in that one above ;)

And finally, a four generation pic.  Can you see where I get my love for color?  Makes me happy.

Hope YOUR Tuesday is a happy one!


  1. Love the pictures and your blog. Cindy Ferrell

  2. I love all the pictures... esp. the 4 generation one. so neat!!

  3. Love these. Beautiful ladies!!


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