
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

His Only Request

Jason had just one request for Father's Day.  He wanted to spend some time in the hammock and have Elise help him feed the ducks/swans around our lake.  Wish granted!

Don't they look adorable getting their daddy/daughter time on? (I totally camera-crashed their party :)

She was a hammock convert immediately.

And then it was time to feed the swanlings (I made that word up...I know it's not right, forgive me)

Love that one above with the lil "swanlings" sharing bread.

We were right up close and personal.  And I saved my very favorite shot of the day for last.  Jas was determined to feed one and I happened to catch it at the right moment...

Brave man that husband of mine.  I mean those gorgeous birds have been known to get their snap on.

I did get a few of them feeding the swans, but the lighting just wasn't right.  Let's just say Elise was more interested in feeding herself than sharing with those birds...that's my girl, big eater, that one ;)

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet! What a perfect way to spend the day! Hugs from Copenhagen!


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