
Thursday, September 6, 2012


We got the chance to join our friends Boba, Kamil, and their lil cutie boy Filip for a trip to a local biofarm last week.

It was a good (but busy!) day for the farm and Elise seemed to enjoy it riding in her stroller.  Filip loved all the animals and made many animal sounds!  Elise, on the other hand, kept saying "woof woof" for everything...hehe :)

We saw some animals like these guys...

and we also hung out with this blind-in-one-eye (poor guy) horse, which ended up being my favorite picture of the day...

And then we ran into the shop where they were selling fresh cheese and bread.  Right outside the shop was this old-fashioned cart/buggy which we took advantage of for pictures (thanks, Boba!)

We picked up a few extra kids in that previous one...they were just along for the ride, tee hee.

That one above makes me laugh.  Apparently E and I have the same facial expressions, poor baby had to get those from me ;)

Boba also snapped the shot below of Jas tossing our very precious, fragile, bundle of joy in the air (can you tell it makes me a little nervous each time he does it!?!?)

And then we got a pic of the dada's, but the kids were fading fast at this point (it was nearing lunchtime...).  HAHA, I laugh every. single. time. I look at Filip trying to do gymnastics to get out of his dad's arms!

And finally I got this sweet picture of these three.  How cute are they?!

And then our trip ended with a little push through the woods while both babes slept.  Don't all trips to the biofarm end like that? ;)  But a fun day it was!


  1. She can say "woof woof"?? I wanna hear! She sure does have a cute smile when she's thrown in the air. :)

  2. Looks like fun! Now tell me, did you spend most of the day talking in Slovak? :) This is my favorite "daddy throwing baby in the air" pic...we've tried to duplicate it a couple times but it's never come out quite this fab...

    Yay for farms! What a pretty sunny day (and I'm totally digging your shoes...I've GOT to get me some of those!)


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