
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Water Days and the Way Home

This probably seems like the longest, most drawn out set of blog posts ever about anyone's vacation.  But here we are, the last of the Palmer family vacation pictures.

Most of our days were spent either at the beach or the pool (some days both!).  I was in heaven because I most thoroughly enjoy water...particularly beach water.

E did a great job and really seemed to enjoy herself.

She's currently obsessed with blowing kisses :)  It's too we caught her in action.

Little tutu-ed baby bum.

Then before we hit the road to head back to Bratislava, we just had to take one more walk on the beach.  It was beautiful.  It was hard to say goodbye (knowing it will be a good ten months or so before we get to the beach again), but we did it.

Sandy toes :)

And we had a fellow beach walker take a family photo for us...

Then we headed home.  It was a nice, long, seven hour drive (we decided to push on through and do the whole trip this time instead of breaking it up), but it was yet again a beautiful trip through the mountains. 

And with that we'll conclude pictures of our 2012 vacation.  So thankful we got to spend some time together in a new location and soak up some rays!  Until next time, summer, we'll welcome fall and all things spice-realted.  Woo hoo!


  1. That tutu bathing suit is just too much. Can't wait to see next year's post!

  2. We were on the same wave length with the family foot shot, haha ;-) Cute Cute tutu booty!

  3. So pretty! I love E's cute little personality. It looks like she had a blast in the pool. It's amazing how much they change in a matter of months, huh?


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