
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Elise's First Birthday Party

Prepare yourself, this post is a doozie (as in quite looooong and lots of photos :)

We had Elise's birthday party at a building owned by the local church that hosts youth clubs, our Sunday evening church meetings, etc.

It turned out to be a great place to have it and we were very blessed to have many Slovak (and a few American) friends attend.  Of course we missed our families and other close friends, but we were thankful to at least be able to skype our families in!

I made these "polka dotted" cupcakes the day before her party, but somehow in transit they lost some of their icing and dots...oops.  They were still yummy.

The food table.  Jas made some delish BBQ chicken (covered by foil below) to add to our finger foods and it was a hit.

I cut out a bunch of dots beforehand and we had those in attendance sign a dot with a little birthday message for her.  I'll put them in her photo book and if she so desires, later in life she can read them :)

Mama and the birthday girl...goodness, I love her.

Zuzana made this beautiful cake for Elise as a sweet surprise.  It kind of put my poor cupcakes to shame, but it was incredibly sweet and tasty!  I'd say she's pretty talented...

(This isn't the greatest lighting shot, but I like it nonetheless)

E didn't quite get the whole candle blowing out deal (but really what one year old does?)...Dad took care of it for her :)

And here come the ever famous child-digs-in-cake-at-their-first-party pics:

I love how in that last one it looks like she's throwing up the I LOVE YOU sign!

Then it was time to open gifts (thanks everyone!).  Here is a shot where E actually helped in the opening (she didn't quite get that either...but I have a feeling it will come ;)

She wasn't thrilled to have that big bow on her head...but how cute is she, really!?!?  Then we took a mini photo shoot with the kiddos...

Cute kiddos.

And that's a birthday wrap.  Happy 1st Birthday, little!


  1. I think the one of the 3 of you getting ready to blow out the candle should go on her wedding day photo slideshow. Oh wait I shouldn't bring up her wedding day, haha. ;) Sweet family photo! Also way to go pulling off your first child bday party.

  2. Great pics! And yay for turning 1!!!! And YOU (Mama and Daddy) reaching YOUR milestone of throwing your first ever, child's birthday party! It's so fun, I'm glad they get to have one every year! :) Happy Birthday Elise! God Bless You!!!

  3. Wish we could have been there! Miss you guys a bunch, and these are great photos. :)


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