
Monday, September 24, 2012

TWELVE Months of Elise!

Today Elise turns ONE YEAR OLD!!

This one is a little blurry, but I love her expression.  And with that our monthly photos are complete...can. not. believe. it.  

How about a monthly recap?

Happy, Happy Birthday, sweet girl!  We are thankful that God created you and allowed us to be your parents.  You've filled our lives with such joy already and we look forward to watching you continually learn and grow.  You're a blessing...and you're SO loved!


  1. Happy birthday Elise! That seems like a fast year!

  2. Happy First Birthday to the prettiest, sweetest, little girl in the world! We love you forever, Grandmommy, Granddaddy, Memom, Dedad, Aunt Penny Joy, and Uncle Graham

  3. Happy Birthday, Elise! You look so much like your Daddy! :)

  4. I've been looking forward to this post for a while b/c I knew you'd show a month-by-month recap. So neat to see how she's changed every month! I seriously can't believe it's been a year! I know you can't either. Show some love and kisses to her from me!!


leave us some love!