
Thursday, September 20, 2012

On the Homefront

I've been a little absent from the blogging world lately...and as I was processing through why, here's what I came up with:

1)  I love this little blog here.  It has nothing to do with blog-followers, because well, that's not the goal of the blog.  It has everything to do with this space being my creative outlet.  I don't have much time to paint and draw as of late, but I can (usually) crank out a blog post and I really enjoy the picture-taking, life-updating, photo-editing process very very much.

I'm not fed up with blogging, that's not why I've been absent.   I'm here to stay :)

2)  I've just been tired lately.  Quite tired.  As lame as that sounds, it's true!

3)  Life has just been happening (maybe that's a big contributing factor to #2).  We've been busy, busy, but good busy, and a lot of things have been going on...

So, all that to say, we've just had a lot going on and I've been pooped :)  But I have been formulating this post in my head for awhile!  Here's the latest goings-on from the homefront...

A lot of my creative energies have been put into Elise's first birthday party preparations.  The theme is polka-dots (she told me that's what she wanted ;)  I've been cutting circles, planning her cupcakes, recruiting my hubby for a game or two, and thinking of lots of food options.  Still can't believe she'll be one on Monday!

I've also been working quite hard at meal planning these days.  Yes, I know, only approximately four years after we got married (haha).  I don't mind cooking, but I wouldn't say it's my forte.  I'm not great at it, just average.  But I have been being more intentional in planning and preparation and I'm seeing the fruit of my labor.  It's good stuff...especially this crock pot of mine :) (though as I look at this picture I'm cringing at the dirtiness on the outside...guess I should try to keep it as clean as the inside...whoops).

Elise started taking her first steps!!  She walked from one ottoman to the other one just this past week.  We were both quite excited.  We did catch a little of it on video and we'll get that up sometime.  She's also getting in quite a few teeth and expanding her vocab (uh-oh, ball, dada, mama, baby)....oh that girl is growing up.

And finally, here's our newest photo wall...many thanks to prinstagram.  I had them printed out and Jason's parents brought them over for us.  I have big plans to add many more to the wall (plus maybe a banner or some other fun things...we'll see how it takes shape).

And finally, two last random shots...

The general state of the least it's colorful, huh?

And this one, well, just because I like it :)

Hope your Thursday is a happy one!!


  1. Elise is a supermodel, those blue eyes are unreal.

  2. Love her!! I can't believe she's walking and I can't believe she's almost 1!!! Weren't we JUST over there and you were pregnant?? Good grief time flies!!!!

  3. Big girl walking! And is that a Roxy diaper bag? My "bag" (as 1.5 children ago i stopped carrying an 'official' diaper bag) is from Roxy and can hold an elephant... man o man...a year ago you had just joined the "40++ week club" and were still waiting to meet that sweets. It only gets faster! Can't wait to see pics of the party!

  4. I knew she would walk soon...determined little cutie! Seriously--the most gorgeous blue eyes I have ever seen! Love and miss you all?

  5. I love the photo wall! Makes your dining area look like a sweet little european cafe ;-) Happy to hear meal planning is going well. Thank the Lord for crock pots!!! Yay for steps.... now she can show off at her party, woot woot!


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