
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Little (almost) One Year Old!

We wanted to get some one year old shots of Elise, so Jason had the idea of taking her up to Koliba (a local park type area) for some outdoor photos.  It was a great idea.

My mom sent this little polka dotted balloon dress and I figured it was just right for her photo shoot.  The dress was perfect because her one year party theme will be polka dots...woot woot!  

(And yes those little tassel things are on sticks, but don't worry, she was under strict parental supervision ;)  No eyes were poked out in the photo-taking process, thankfully.)

We didn't get too many smiles out of her due to poor timing on our part (we had a pretty busy day and wanted to get these done, so we squeezed them in between nap times), but I love these pictures and want to remember that sweet little one year old face for years to come.  Goodness, please tell me it's a joke that she'll be ONE in a week and a half!!!

Happy soon-to-be Birthday little polka dotted cutie!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, what a cutie. How will you ever say "no" to those puppy dog eyes?! And I love the one of her having a meltdown in the grass - just keeping it real, right? haha. She is precious!


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