
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

By Way of Instagram...

There are a lot of things I love...

and Instagram is one of them :)

It's true...I just think it's a particularly neat app.  I'm down.  Down with the Instagram. (we're palmerponderings on there)

So since it's been awhile since I've done an Instagram update, how 'bout let's do it now?  

A week or so ago the trees were looking like this...ombre fall leaves?!?  Yes, please!  I loved them!

This lil girl is working hard at learning to use a spoon.  We haven't yet had any food splatters on the walls, but I'm sure they're in the near future :)

Her love for Alex has not faded in the slightest.  She's still head over heels.  Just the other day I came down the hall and she had placed him in her stroller.  Point taken, E.  We took him for a stroll with us that day! 

My man and I got to go on a date the other night, compliments of Zuzana (thanks!).  I had to document the occasion, oh, and the 'stache (which will no longer be with us come December...WOO HOO! ;)  But I do love him, crazy 'ole 'stache and all!

Other than Alex, E is in to all things "B."  Bananas, blocks, books, and balls.  She was in HEAVEN in this ball pit (though I'm not sure what that face is saying? tee hee)

Sometimes, only sometimes, does studying Slovak end like this.  It's thoroughly exhausting for our brains at times.

Finally, I had to take a picture of this pretty tree at the mall.  It's not our tree, but I wish it were! 

Christmas is almost here...woo hoo!

But not until after Thanksgiving tomorrow.  So much to be thankful for.  Have a HAPPY one, friends!  

(oh, and did you notice how I started and ended this post with a tree picture...clever, huh? ;)

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