
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Eighteen and a 'Stache

Can't believe I'm already eighteen weeks pregnant with baby Palmer #2.  That's just wildness!

The last few weeks have been completely different from when I was pregnant with Elise.  I actually feel somewhat normal, which is just so strange to me.  I hardly ever felt normal with Elise.  I'm still wanting to take at least one nap a day, but that's really about it!  I feel fairly well otherwise.  I may still have a bout with nausea here and there, but it's completely random and unpredictable.  Totally manageable compared to last pregnancy.  I'm also still not loving food overall, but I do have a much bigger appetite than I did early on.

I'm quite thankful for feeling well during this time, particularly since we have a little one running around.  However, there are days where I find myself wondering "is everything ok? can I feel so normal!?"  It's kind of crazy.  But I am praising the Lord that he's giving me strength and some energy for this season.

Now, all that said, I'm feeling much bigger much quicker this time around.  With E I was able to wear my normal clothes until, oh, say, 26, 28 weeks, but not now!  I am already on the verge of needing to bust out my maternity pants, but let me just say...I'm holding off as long as possible (which will maybe be another two days haha).  Not to mention all my shirts are starting to crawl up quickly (which is why in the picture below I'm wearing a dress :)

Ah, and I have been feeling little one move quite a bit!  I first felt he/she at 16.5 weeks and Jas did too...which was surprising and super fun at the same time.

Here's the latest snapshot (it doesn't quite do it justice, I really think it's bigger than it appears in this pic):

(and there I go again with the gray!!!  Yeesh!  For a girl that loves color, I really need to spice up my wardrobe, eh?!)

In other news, my hubby decided that he'd jump on the Movember bandwagon.  That's right, he's 'stachin' it up.  I have to say, I'm not a fan, not a fan at all.  However, I do support the cause, so I'll let it fly just this one month ;)  He's joining many others across the world to raise awareness for mens' health, in particular cancers that men may face.  Love the cause, don't love the fuzzy caterpillar that's replacing his clean-shaven face, ha!

Ah, well, at least he's manly...and always good-lookin ;)


  1. Bahah! Jason would have made an excellent saloon owner in the Old West!

  2. Is that Freddy Mercury?!?! Queen shall live again!!

  3. Hi Charity! Congrats on expecting again - Sharon mentioned it to me recently in an email. We're expecting our first here in Prague next May. I'm 15 weeks, so just 3 behind you. I stopped by to see if I could figure out how to email you through your blog. We've been studying the Bible with a couple of Slovak girls, and I'm wondering if you have any thoughts on where I could get a good Slovak translation (and which one that might be).

  4. Look at that bump :) You know it makes sense you may be feeling the baby sooner -- or rather recognize the feeling sooner -- since the first one, you think, "is that my stomach rumbling? gas? normal?!" Now as soon as he/she moves you know it's the baby. That's neat :) I hear you also want the baby to stay in forever with the second... pregnancy can last long enough. We'll see if that holds true for you too! You look fabulous..... your husband on the other hand, well.... you know I share in your sentiments. Your half way through the month, yay!


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