
Monday, December 31, 2012

2012: Year in Review

I always love the posts at the end of the year.  They cause me to reflect, look back, think on the good, the challenging, the blessings, the hardships.  I like it.  Mostly.  Then on the other hand it makes me realize just how quickly time flies...

But alas, despite the fact that we're about to enter a new year, I cannot pass up this opportunity to look back on our 2012 and reflect with some of my favorite pictures.  So much happened this year, but these are just some highlights.  Care to take a look with me? :)


I love love this sweet shot.  The first of many stories that daddy will read/has read.  Just a sweet moment captured.

Not pictured in January:  Zuzana taught me how to cook rezen (European dish)


Freezing cold, of course...but we still took a fun date to the frozen over pond for some much-needed hubby/wife quality time :)  Love him (and we're total dorks!).

E sports her first 'hawk and looks cute as ever.

Not pictured in February:  Lots of snow, thirty day photo challenge


This marks the month where E's great appetite began (though we've recently encountered some toddler appetite opposition).  Here she's eating avocados.

Not pictured in March:  We all flew to Germany for a conference and it was E's first flight.


Elise hit the (indoor) pool for the very first time in her (really cute) red polka-dotted swimsuit.  We went with our friends Boba and Filip.

And we took our debut Easter family picture.  One of my all time fav's (so far ;)...

Not pictured in April:  E tried green peas and couldn't stand 'em, and we found out our sis and bro-in-law were expecting a baby BOY (who was born in September).


That photo just melts my heart every time I see it.  Too much sweetness going on.  Definitely a favorite May moment captured on camera.

Not pictured in May:  Jas went on a trip to England, E went on the swings for the first time :)


Four generation photo taken when my mom and grandmother visited us.

Not pictured in June:  First Daddy's day for Jason and Elise, summer camp #1


We headed to Greece for some meetings and ended up catching this hilarious face from the little one :)

Not pictured in July:  summer camp #2


Palmer side visits for some quality time and we got this shot while out and about "sight-seeing."

Then the three of us went on our family vacation to Italy.  This is one of my most favorite shots of the two of them.

We also went to the park for E's one year photo shoot (which she wasn't so happy about).  We got some good shots, however, and Jas caught this post-shoot fun going on between my girl and I.

Not pictured in August:  I turned twenty-six!


E takes her first steps!!!!

And then she turns the big ONE!!!  (Big month for the little girl)

Not pictured in September:  Jas turned thirty-one!


Jas takes this amazing picture while out and about with Elise (they spent a good bit of quality time together this month since I was feeling pretty rotten from pregnancy with number 2!)

And then we announced that someone would be a big SIS...

Not pictured in October:  E goes trick-or-treating here at home and helps carve her first pumpkin.


We headed to the Christmas market for some good food and fun with our community group.

Not pictured:  E starts trying to use a spoon, Jas grows a 'stache for Movember (he did end up raising some money to fight again mens' cancer! Go hubs!)


We surprised the families in the states for Christmas :)  It was a GREAT time (still going through all the pictures).  Above, Elise got a fun tunnel and she also got to hang out with her baby cousin Bryce.  What a blessing it all was.

So that's 2012 in a nutshell.  Good year.  Full year.  Challenging in some ways.  But we're thankful.  Prayerful and hopeful for a fruitful 2013!


  1. Fun looking back on some of your pics. My favorites are the birthday one with the cupcake and the one of Jason in the ocean throwing Elise in the air. Good shots! Looking forward to some posts about your US visit.

  2. What a great year in photos for you guys, that little E is too cute! It was SO great to see you on Christmas Eve and I hope you all had a great time with family and a safe trip back. Looking forward too all the Christmas pics!

  3. loved looking back with you! HATE I didn't get to see y'all while you were here!

  4. and I also look forward to your US posts!

  5. WHAT?!? You went to America?! That rocks!!! How did that little American-Slovakian enjoy her time? Can't wait to hear all about it (and I totally wondered about all the silence on the blog!) Happy New Year!

  6. I love these year review posts! Elise has grown up so much in the last couple of months. What a cool tunnel she got... I would totally play in there ;-)


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