
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas in Vienna: Night Lights

The best part of Christmas in Vienna...hands down, the lights.

Instead of talking about it, let's just show you...

A view looking straight at the entrance to the market.  Lovely lights, just lovely.

Love this shot above, but one of my favorites from the night is this one below...

Closely followed by this one,

And my last favorite (are you tired of my favorites yet?) is...

Ok, you should now be thoroughly convinced that you need to come visit us.  We'll take you to the market...promise!

May all your days leading up to Christmas (and every day) be filled with JESUS and sparkly lights ;)


  1. Awesome, Ms. Photographer!!!!!

  2. Vienna is one of our favorite cities! I hope to make another trip there before the baby arrives in May. I would love to see it all lit up for Christmas, so I'm glad you shared these photos... and it's also so fun that I've seen these places in person. It makes me love your pictures even more!


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