
Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas in Vienna: Around Town and Market

Are you ready for an onslaught of Vienna photos?  Ready or not, here they come :)

This year, just like last year, we took a day and packed up (er, bundled up) to go to the Christmas market in Vienna.  The atmosphere is WAY fun and festive, despite the bitter cold (and yes, it is intensely cold).  But we had a great time and when our fingers weren't freezing we snapped quite a good many pictures.

Jas took this one from the train window on the way there.  Lots and lots of snow we've had around these parts...

We found a pretty tree where we grabbed two shots with Elise...but why oh why didn't we get a family photo?  I don't know...maybe brain freeze?

(and I'm not going to lie...I was somewhat jealous of E all bundled up in her cozy stroller ;)

We did get this one, though...does it count as a family photo?  We're all in there somewhere.

And she was a champ.  She was in the stroller 85% of the day and she hardly whined at all.  Such a big girl...and cute to boot.  I do have to say, however, that being in the stroller most of the day is likely the reason the next morning she was up at 5:30 am ready and rarin' to go.

Gorgeous cathedral and tree...loved it.

Slowly we made our way to the market.  We wanted to catch it with enough daylight to spare, but also so that we could get some great night light shots on the way out.

I love all the lights and decorations.  They have this Christmas decorations thing down pat.

I wanted one of those stars in every color...didn't get them, but thought they'd make a great addition to our living room :)

The first candy canes we've seen in, oh, a year and ~nine months.

Below, I thought of Sonya when we passed the Lush storefront.  For those of you who've never heard of Lush, it's a brilliant store full of handmade soaps and smell-good stuff.  Basically, it's a treat to hit this store up.

And we'll end with these pretty candles.  I also wanted one of each.

So that's a quick view of some of the greatness of the market.  Soon we'll be back with Vienna lights at're going to want to stay tuned ;)

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