
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Twenty-Two Weeks and a SNOW Bunny!

Time for the bi-weekly preggo photo :)

I remain super thankful that I feel so well these days.  I'm still pretty shocked by it all (compared to last's just so very different).  Little girl continues to grow and I love feeling her tiny kicks/movements.  I'm already SO ready to meet her!

And, yes, I apparently have absolutely no color in my small winter pregnancy wardrobe.  My constantly stretching body is only fitting in monotone colors these days.  Oh well, I figure it's better to keep the bump covered than share it with the world in bright colors ;)

But let's not talk about my clothing issues, let's look at this cute little bundled baby in the snow:

Marker on her face, runny nose, desperately in need of a haircut, tiny snowman...oh so much cute in those photos.  Love her.

So now you know how we're growing out of clothes and enjoying the snow ;)  Happy Tuesday!


  1. Oh Charity I love being able to "see" your life! Love that you're a momma and those girls are blessed to have you! Hope you're doing well!

  2. Ahh she is just so darn cute in that suit! I love the little snowman too :) And YOU!

  3. I am digging those adorable bangs and purple marker on her face. Charity, you look gorgeous as always. XOXOXOXOXOX

  4. Aww you are so cute with that baby bump. You wear it well ;)And Elise is beyond cute in her snow suit. Sweet girl!


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