
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Full-Fledged Toddler

...and we love her sooooo.

Elise is right at 16 months and I can hardly believe it.  I know every mom says that, but seriously, I just really can't comprehend how time flies by.

This girl is a legit toddler...
Unrolls toilet paper, you ask?  check.
Places miscellaneous objects on (thankfully, closed) toilet lid?  check.
Stomps her feet and squeals to get attention?  check.
One day loves banana and the next screams about it?  check.
Is the cutest girl around? check. check. check.

We love her.   It's been awhile since I've updated on her growing self, so I wanted to document a few cute things now, in random order.

Teefers - She now has six whole teeth!  Four up top and two below.  She's not the quickest teeth-grower, but man, the ones she has are cute as ever.  She can eat most everything, though tougher foods like apples and oranges need to be cut in half or small bites.

Bows - The girl knows where her bows are and if you catch her looking at them she'll say "more" over and over again until you get as many as you can in her hair.  It's quite humorous!

Baby Obsessed - E is completely smitten with her baby (or babies for that matter).  She knows how to give them "wawa," put in their paci, pat their backs, and rock them.  She even continually asks us to put her own shoes on her baby.  It's the sweetest...not to mention great prep for being a big sis soon!

Winter Wear - She's constantly asking us to put her winter coat on while we're inside.  She's too funny.

Ipad - It's kind of incredible how well she already knows the ipad.  Sometimes it amazes me.  Sometimes it makes me scared (I mean we really want to her be way more in to books, ya know?)  So we limit the ipad time.  But wow, it's impressive.

Mommy - It took her some time, but she now says "mommy" like a champ!  She says it quite often too, which warms my mama heart :)

Lil Burrito - One day I rolled her up like a burrito, or taco, in a big blanket we have and she was sold.  It's now a favorite game.

Alex and... - She still loves her favorite monkey Alex, but also needs "Mimmie" (Minnie) or  "Gigi" (her gingerbread girl) to accompany her to bed too.

Dancin' Queen - All you have to do is put some music on and this girl is in her groove (and has some for real rhythm!)

Ehh Veggies - E is still not a great veggie eater, but we manage to mix them in and she gets 'em down.

Keepin' Them In - She will only leave bows/clips in her hair if directly after they're put in she becomes distracted.

Words - Elise now has quite the vocab with some of my fav words being "rohhwull" (roll), "mnam" (yum), and "tenk ew" (thank you)

People - By all appearances to date it would seem that our girl is a "people person."  She doesn't seem to mind, and really seems to enjoy, being around other people.  We will see how this develops as she grows :)

Tenting - She really likes to do what we call "tenting" (like a forward bend, head on the ground, rumpus in the air, peeking through her legs).  It's hilarious.

(that pic of her above is so true to who she is right now...asked for her shoes to be put on over her jammies, wanted her shoes to be put on baby, she just finished giving baby "wawa," and she started tenting...too much adorable)

She's such a fun girl and brings such joy to our lives.  E, you are one well-loved lil chick :)


  1. Love reading the updates. She is cute! I think we need a video of th dancing to be posted :)

  2. So cute! Bird has started walking in our shoes. Which is great except for the shoes all over the house!
    And "tenting" as you call it is known as "Cari Adik" (searching for a younger sibling) here. You guys obviously already got the memo, but when kids start doing that here, folks will say that they're looking for their younger sibling so it's time to start making one! :) HA!

  3. haha! I smiled reading this whole post. Thanks for the preview of the toddler days - we are quickly approaching!


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