
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Snowy, Snowy Day

We've had quite the snow lately.  The last few days it just hasn't stopped falling (until today, that is).  So after language the other day, we took advantage of it.

I ventured out with the big camera and got some good shots, but then we retired it back to the house so that it wouldn't get all wet from the snow.  Wish I had kept it out a little longer because we ended up making a cute little snowman friend for Elise :) I did get a pic of him on my phone, however.

She wasn't quite sure what to think about it all at first, but then she warmed up (punny :) and seemed to enjoy her time just sitting in the snow.

But first, we got some pics together...

Family pic, but E said, "huh uh, I'm checking out this white stuff..."

And then we spotted a tiny snowman on a bench nearby.  Perfect for a photo op, or so I thought.  E had other ideas (aka decapitating Mr. Snowman).

Too funny she is.

And then we made our little snowman complete with a carrot nose and chestnut eyes, mouth, and buttons...

Fun, fun afternoon...even if after building our snowman Daddy decided to unleash a fury of snowballs on E and I (and therefore baby Nora too :)  Love them.


  1. Now that is a family of BLUE eyes!!!!

  2. you're so puny :) She obviously wants you to make her some snow cream. Nice snowman too!


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