
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Before Nora Joined Us...

I think I am finally finishing up going through the folders of photos on my desktop.  Aren't you glad? ;)

These were taken just a few days before Nora joined us...when she was still happy chillin' out in 'da belly.

First up, our "model pose."  Jas taught E this and she does it whenever asked to show us her model pose.  I love it.

This girl is a true character, I tell ya...

And then one with Daddy and Mommy...

Sure do love these pictures, but I also sure am glad Nora's here now! :)


  1. Cute cute! I love the one with her hand over her mouth like she's giggling. :)

  2. So sweet, I love her little personality. I'm sure it will rub off on Nora too ;-)

  3. the model pose is just too stinkin' cute!!


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