
Monday, May 6, 2013

The Randoms of Lately

Life around here lately has been lots of diaper changing, making sure little mouths get fed, and trying to get little eyes to sleep...admittedly there's been whining (mama included), crying, and sleeplessness, but we've also had some fun/cute/happy moments happening too...Here's a "catch-up" post of some of that sweet randomness :)

Slovak Labor day was the perfect day for us to pack up a picnic (along with the rest of Bratislava) and head to a local park.  It was an absolutely glorious day (minus allergens, but hey, I'll take the sun anytime even if it comes with crazy pollen).  Daddy and E played ball and N napped on the blanket with Mama...

We also snapped these cute pics which I really love because it shows just how difficult it is to get a pic with this chick these days...

This little cutie seems to be coming out of her all day/every day slumber stage and joining us with more open eyes and awake time...

(that's her favorite way to sleep...hands up, getting her praise on ;)

Then there was this moment the other day that had me cracking up.

Homegirl likes to hang out with Mama when I'm doing makeup, but I didn't realize I had left that pink lipstick within her reach.  As you can tell, she thoroughly enjoyed painting up her face, but didn't enjoy me trying to capture it.  Haha!

Last, but not least, some friends were over the other day and we asked them to snap a new family pic for us since the only one we have is from the hospital.

That's the best we got...E was completely not in the photo taking mood and just wanted to go out and play. Ha!  Love, love them...whiny moments, sleeplessness and all :)


  1. That all sounds just about right! And what a gorgeous day at the park (hottness in the fedora Mama!) And I see miss N's eyes peepin' in that last one.

  2. So glad you got some sunshine! I know that was fun to get out. And Nora is a trooper to tag along :) I love seeing how much she has changed every time I see a new picture. And of course, I can't get enough of that sweet E either!

  3. What a precious, beautiful family. How blessed you truly are! So wish I was headed to Germany this summer to see you all, but Sarah will love on you enough for both of us! :)

  4. E completely nailed it with that lipstick! What a cutie, those are the moments, huh? Nora seems so sweet! I just want to pinch those cheeks :) love and miss you guys!

  5. Love those pictures of you and E in the park so cute!!

  6. Sweet sleeping Nora pictures! And I really like the ones of you and E at the park, not to mention the lipstick one (ya gotta have those kind of pictures of little girls!).

  7. "Getting her praise on" -- catchy, I like it! ;-P You're just too cool in that Fedora and aviators, I'm tellin' ya! I like this random pictures.


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