
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Easy Toddler Fun

We've had a large storage container hanging out in our room for some time now (we originally bought it thinking it would fit under our bed...buuuuttt we were wrong).  So I got to thinking that it would be fun to fill up with water and lots of toys and let our big girl splash around in it.

So we waited for a warm day and yesterday was it!  Our balcony gets plenty of sun, so post-nap we got everything together and let her go at it.

She LOVED it!  Summer is going to be so fun because this girl really digs water.  Excited.

Foam letters, plastic eggs and random containers are what we chose to put in our tub...but you could really add anything to this, even perhaps add food coloring to the water and/or bubbles to make it more fun.  We will definitely do this again this summer...and hopefully next time in a bathing suit!

E played in it for a good hour and was still playing with it when Daddy got home.  Of course, we had to snap some pics.

Doesn't she look so grown up in that one above?  Slow. Down. Time.

Cuties.  (Minutes later she plopped down in the water, ha)

We did eventually bring it inside at one point (and put it on an extra shower curtain liner) because we have wasp issues outside currently and the heat was intense (note to self: invest in children's sunscreen and SOON)

So there ya go...this water play fun was definitely a keeper of an activity :)


  1. Sunscreen and water play are all musts around here at least once a week. Isn't it awesome to watch her little hands do such big girl stuff like pour water and what not? We laid to rest our 3rd giant blow up pool today...those things get played with a LOT! I laughed thinking what it would be like for Bird to get water play in like this...basically about 1 minute where she likes it and then the rest of the time her brothers are taking stuff, messing with her, she's fussing at them for messing and taking and I'm spanking hands and doing nothing but instructing for the boys to get BACK in their OWN pool!!! :) HA! Maybe once brothers go to school this fall (and it'll still be 90 degrees) she'll get some "me" time in!

  2. Aww how fun! You can tell E was really enjoying herself. Any time you can get a toddler to do something for a whole hour = success! And oh how she looks like such a big girl. Maybe if you put a brick on her head that would slow her down a little? ;) jk.

  3. That is a super idea!! She DOES look like such a big girl in that pic with Jason. Practically half his size. Slow down, Elise!!!! I also was amazed that she played in it for a whole hour... wow!! One day my baby will be that independent, right ?!


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