
Saturday, July 27, 2013

A Little Teaser...

Family time.  Traveling.  Croatia.  Sunsets.  Good food.  Beach.  Ice cream.  Cousins.  Water.  Driving.  Sun.  More traveling.  Prague.  Good friends.  Pictures.  Balcony talks.  Babies.  Germany.  Relationships.  Music.  Singing.  Dancing.  Talking.  Church family.  Meat and potatoes.  More driving.  Home.

Laundry.  No groceries.  Catching up.

So while the first set of words sums up the last couple of weeks for us, I'm currently faced with the second set of words. 

But I couldn't resist putting our pics from our travels lately on the computer last night, so I thought I'd share a little teaser photo with you...

Hold on to your seats, there's more where that came from ;)  Amazing, huh?  I could live at the beach, I'm convinced.  But while I dig myself out from these piles of laundry you'll just have to enjoy the beauty of that sunset.  Be back soon...

1 comment:

  1. awesomeness!!! :) can't wait to see the rest of the pix! welcome home btw!!!! :o)


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