
Monday, July 29, 2013

CROATIA: The Views

I didn't realize just how beautiful this country was until I actually went there.  Sure, pictures are great, but it just doesn't quite do it justice.  You know how that goes.

But here's my feeble attempt at capturing what we saw in photography (actually, some of these were taken by the hubs too :)

We stayed on the island of Krk.  The beaches are rocky, the water is incredibly clear (we were stoked we could see the bottom!), and the sunsets are glorious.  Literally, glorious.  This water-loving girl was in beautiful beach heaven.

We rented a two-level flat that we found on (highly recommend that site...check it out).  The place we stayed was two flights of stairs away from the beach.  That made me just want to jump with joy.  LOVED being by the water.

Ok, finished with the words (for now ;)  How about those pictures?

I told ya.  Glorious.  What's more, each night we went to one of two small nearby towns where we enjoyed pizza, seafood, ice cream, etc. with family.  And since we're speaking of family, photos of them up next.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous! I've heard somewhere that Croatia has some of the best in-tact castles anywhere in the world...or something cool like that! We will definitely checkout that site!


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