
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

CROATIA: The Peeps

And by peeps I mean our peeps, you know, the fam bam, our loved ones :)

We were thankful that the Palmer/Neufangs flew over to spend some time with us first in Bratislava and then in Croatia.  We hadn't seen our little bubba nephew and his parents in a good ~seven months, so it was such a treat.

 These two went on a Father/Daughter beach walking date our first morning in Croatia.  Don't they make a super cute pair?  From what I hear, however, their date consisted of one of them being carried for quite some way due to tiny legs :)

That hubs of mine is a bona fide goober ;)

 If you're wondering what relaxing looks like, look no further.  This guy had it down pat.  He and Jas were hammock lounging masters.

 Nora and Grandma.  This day was somewhat cloudy, but that didn't stop us from enjoying the water.

Mostly Nora spent lots of quality time napping and rolling over in the tent.  She was mastering her rolling skills...see that look of pure determination?

 We also partook in a lot of ice cream (Snickers gelato, um yes, please, every. day. of. my. life.  SO good).  This girl knows how to down her fair share of the stuff too.  I think that last pic is one of my all time favorites...she's got the model wind-in-hair look down pat, don't ya think?

And there was some seafood-eating as well  (I didn't technically have any myself...but everyone else did :)  I mean, do you blame me!?  Look at that squishy thing!  I'll pass, thanks.

Strolling around the marina each evening was one of my favorite things.  The lighting was so beautiful and calming.

Seriously how cute is our nephew Bryce?  I can honestly say he's the cutest little boy I know :)  Loved getting to spend some time with him and his parents.

We so enjoyed this trip and spending time with family.  It was a blessing.  Can't wait to go back to Croatia!


  1. So glad y'all got some good family time. Croatia looks BEAUTIFUL! I'm totally with Elise on the icecream...the more, the better.

  2. I really like your family pic by the water...Elise looks angellic! And also love the 2nd ice cream photo of Elise. So sweet.


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