
Monday, August 19, 2013

A Morning Trip Downtown

This past Thursday Big Sis and I headed downtown to meet some other mamas and toddlers for a day on the town.  (this was pretty special for me because E is kind of going through a "No Mama" I enjoyed this quality time with her)

Our original plan was to take a city tour train around but upon further inquiry we just decided to walk and explore downtown instead.

E LOVED taking a tram (or a train as she refers to it) downtown and then she LOVED taking the bus back home.  She's pretty in to transportation these days, so it was a thrill and a half for her.

But while we were with our friends we shared snacks, got ice cream, posed for pictures, and jumped around a little bit.

(these pics also make me giggle because I admittedly chopped E's bangs a bit too short, or rather, I messed them up and Jas had to straighten them out, haha!  Where are you Brooke Blalock, when I need you!? :)

Before we met up with our real friends, we took a quick break to chill with these guys...

Have you seen a cuter model?  Doubtful ;) (biased mama!)
These two make me laugh.  Filip, all boy.  Elise, all girl.
And speaking of all girl...take these two for instance...
And then I tried to get a shot with my big girl, but instead I got these (which make me laugh)...
To end our morning out before E and I had to run some errands and head home, we did a little jumping on a stage in the square.  This picture below isn't compositionally perfect, or lighting perfect, or perfect at all for that matter, but for some reason I just really like it.
Though I'm really challenged by these Thursday mornings language wise, I'm really thankful these mamas are mostly patient with me and allow E and I to keep at it.  And I'm sure glad she gets to be around kiddos her age in which she can grow and learn along with them.  Good stuff.


  1. Yay for one on one time and public transportation! She is too cute (bangs and all!!!) :)

  2. haha, LOVE the bangs. Every kid has to have straight across bangs at least once in their life, right? Mine, unfortunately, were in middle school :/ B needs a haircut too and I have found that my skills are extremely challenged on a moving subject! I'd say you did a good job mama!

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