
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

E and the Window

She hears workers outside and excitedly says "weedeet" (when she can hear that they are weed eating) or "big truck" when a loud noise bangs outside.  And then she immediately wants to hop on this ledge and watch them work.

I walked past her room and was just struck with how much she looked like a little girl.  She was so calm and seemed so big taking in the world around her.

Sniffle Sniffle.

Oh, my girl, this is only the beginning of the things you are about to see and learn!


  1. So big! The days are long but the years are short!

  2. She sure has grown!! What a cutie! She and Gideon would get into some serious trouble together :) Hope y'all are doing well!

  3. She IS looking like a big girl!

  4. SUCH a big girl!! Make it stop!! :-( sniff sniff


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