
Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Last Hoorah To Summer, Part 2

...continuing on with a look back to where we were last week...

(in no particular order)

(that pic above may very well be one of my new favorites...)

Goobs.  Love 'em.
I know, I know, who wears prescription glasses on the beach, right?!  I got some kind of redness in my eye while we were there and decided to leave my contacts out for a few days.  So, yes, I was that non-sunglasses glasses-wearing chick :)
That last one there is also a favorite.  Doesn't she look like such a big girl?  I can't even stand the thought that next week she'll be TWO. 

And with that I guess I'll stop entertaining thoughts of summer and start enjoying all things fall.  While I do love sweaters, scarves, all things pumpkin, and the changing of leaves, I'm just not sure I'm ready to say goodbye to summer just yet.  Guess I don't have a choice, huh?  October is knocking on the door.

Until next year, summer...


  1. Ahh looks like paradise! Love that pic of N, looks like she is really loving the water. And hey, I think E's bangs are starting to grow out. Little blondie :)

  2. Love all these! You have single-handedly moved Croatia up on my "must see Europe" list. Beautiful beautiful girls...and whoa does E's hair suddenly look super-blonde after a summer! Keep the pics coming (summer ones or fall...either is fine!)


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