
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Elise is TWO!

Two whole years have passed since I gave birth to this little sweetie and I don't even have a clue where the time has gone.  

As in I almost can't comprehend it.  

But she is.  She's two.  Full of life, joy, challenging at times, but oh so very very lovable.

I could just eat her up.  And that's just what I'm trying to do.  Eat up every moment with her because I feel like time is escaping me.

Here's a little rundown on our big two year old:

A few things to add:

She loves her Gigi (gingerbread girl) and sleeps with her every night.

Still sleeps with a paci, but seems a bit less attached to it as of late.

Will eat most everything, though topping her list are crackers, cheese, pretzels, yogurt, bananas, and ice cream (lots of dairy products the girl likes...she still has to be heavily encouraged to eat veggies...)

Some of her latest funs phrases to say are:  "Eli do it," "Come here, Norny," "Eli baby soup" (when she wants to wear a bathing suit), "drink Mommy's wata botta" (when she's asking to drink from my water bottle), and "hangnail" (because she has perpetual hangnails, hilarious, I know...)

Other than singing, dancing, and jumping, she doesn't have a favorite activity...mostly she jumps from one thing to the next.  Puzzles, playing with her baby dolls, reading her books, building a tower, watching Tutitu, holding Norny, pushing her stroller, etc.

She's full of energy and life.  And we love it.

Elise Noelle, we are SO thankful for you.  Seeing your personality develop is such a pleasure.  You make us smile, you make us laugh, (you've made us cry too ;) and you drive us to our knees daily.  You make us so proud. We're so excited to see how God uses you as you learn and grow.  We pray for you daily and are so so thankful God allowed us to be your parents.  You are most definitely a blessing to us, Ebees.  LOVE YOU to the moon and back.

And finally, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, big girl!


  1. Happy birthday beautiful Elise!! Can't believe you're already 2!! I've loved watching you grow even though I don't get to see it in person. But I'm already excited to get to love on you next year sweet girl!

  2. Happy Birthday Eli! Great Ain't Amy adores you and is so looking forward to seeing you again next summer (and meeting Norny too)!

  3. Can't believe you are such a big girl Elise! Happy Birthday!! I love the "card" you made - pictures and "fun facts." Her eyes are so pretty! They look like they've turned silver almost.


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