
Monday, March 31, 2014

Nora's One Year Photos: Playground

Just the other day we went down to the big grassy area and playground outside our apartment building and took some sweet pics of our Nora for her one year photo shoot.  Can't even believe we're already facing a year with this girl!

Those photos are forthcoming ;)

However, post-shoot we did spend some time on the slide and swings.  These girls have been LOVING this weather...and so have their Mama and Dada.
I love all these photos and the girls in them.  But there is a special place in my heart for that last photo with my big girl.  We've been having some two year old moments lately and having to push discipline and consistency, so it warms my heart to have a snuggle photo with my E, even if it was a quick one ;)

1 comment:

  1. Elise's swing picture is cute! And yes the last snuggly pic with her is super sweet. Really good shot of you, Char!


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