
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Nora's One Year Photos: Sweet Girl & Family Silliness

Oh this little girl.  This cute little girl.

She'll be one in just over a week.

I love these photos of her.  Those teeth.  That's all I gotta say.  Those teeeeeeth! :)
This dress is our "one year photo shoot" baby girl dress.  That means Elise wore it for her one year photos too...and if we have any more baby girls, it'll be their dress too.  How about a comparison photo of E and N at one year?  (Nora above and Elise below, just in case that isn't obvious ;)
Isn't it amazing how two sisters can be so cute yet so different?  Love, love them.

Back to our shoot.  We tried to get some family shots, which are always hilarious and challenging.  These were our best (and funniest) ones :)
 (We think that one above really kind of captures our crazy...and yes, it's absolutely crazy around here ;)
 Told ya! (haha, in that one above the kiddos are normal and us 'rents are goofin')
Oh, Nory girl...I think it's time we stop feeding you Miracle Grow and get out that brick to put on your head.  Love you so, so much, little.


  1. AWWWW so glad I took a minute to check these out...just made my day....and I am smiling deep down your lil family and cannot wait to see y' favorite is the one where you guys are all goofy and Nora is looking like....'really, this is it? I get THIS family??' Oh how much fun she is gonna have and how many years of happiness...cherish each moment!!

  2. I just want to eat her up! Great pics! Really like the fun family photos and the 1 year old comparison photos. Elise wins so far in the hair department. ;) How is Nora almost 1 year old??? MY word that's hard to believe. Happy 1 year precious pretty girl!

  3. You got some great ones! and I love the idea of them wearing the same outfit. They really do look different! And I love the family pics. That second one is priceless and so cute! Can't believe she is ONE!


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